Thursday 8 August 2013

An iconic date in Mandiba's life.

On 2 February, NP president, FW de Klerk announced the unconditional release of Mandela.On the 11th of February, Nelson Mandela was released from prison.On this day, Nelson Mandela was released unconditionally from prison after 27 years. Accompanied by his wife Winnie, Mandela left the Victor Verster prison (renamed Drakenstein Correctional Centre) on the outskirts of Paarl and was driven 60 km to Cape Town by African National Congress's (ANC) Rose Sonto along a route lined by thousands of supporters.

I think this must of been the best day of Mandela's life because he had been in prison so long. It must of been wonderful seeing his wife again and walking with her and seeing all of the supporters cheering for him. I think he was really happy to see his family again and to be free. This was definitely an iconic date in his life. 

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